April 10, 2009

Long weekend!

Taken before surgery!

I have a 5 day weekend. Isn't that great?

I took the day yesterday to do a bunch of things. I was testing myself to see if I could keep going.
  • I did the dishes
  • I did the laundry
  • I actually made a list of what I needed to do! (WOW!)
All of this before 8am. I got up at my usual time of 4:45am. The laundry was washed, dried, and put away.
I set up the crock pot for making my killer chili too, before 8.
  • I went to Home Depot and bought a shut off valve for the hot water line. I also bought a shower plumbing set (Faucet, shower head, and ball for turning it on and off. And, a much needed replacement toilet seat.
  • I went to Weis and got my chili fixins, as well as an RX for my wife.
  • I started the chili, and set it to simmer for four hours. I used sausage this time, and kept the seasonings to a minimum. I did get a few hot peppers to drop in. The sausage was listed as "hot" too. Trust me, it is hot. I love it!
All of this before noon.
After I finished the chili prep to simmer (Add the beans an hour before eating), I cleaned out the bathroom closet, and took the tub fixtures off. I then climbed into the closet to access the water lines. Oh, I also turned the water off and drained the lines. Lots of trips up and down the stairs.
I cleaned off the old stuff and ended up frustrated, because the copper lines and the new fixtures aren't "plug and play". They require me to take the old lines off and install new ones. I didn't have time or energy to do that by the end of the day.
About this time, Paul started banging on my door because I had the music turned up and couldn't hear him. He talked me into taking a ride on the scooters to get away for a little while. Since my Helix is not running, I took my Metro (top speed of 38mph) which takes forever to reach top speed. It was a long slow ride for Paul, but I enjoyed it. He took a picture of our scoots in front of a barn. The view was fantastic.
I put the shower back together and tested the water lines for leaks, dropped the beans into the chili, and managed to clean up before my wife got home.
Oh, I also collected the trash, and took it to the curb.
And, I did all the dishes, pots and pans before I went to bed. The crock pot was dry and put away this morning.
So, I proved to myself that I could do the work. I am still sore today, and I took a nap this afternoon, but managed to go out and look at ride on mowers. I did some other things too, but really took it easy compared to yesterday.
Tomorrow, I will install the new toilet seat, and cut the grass with my non self-propelled push mower. I lost 27 pounds before the surgery last year with it's help, and I guess a riding mower will have to wait. So, I hope to lose 10 pounds over the next few weeks. I started to go down a little this week, so my plateau may be over.
I hope so.

April 6, 2009

Thoughts to help me move forward!

I didn't do this surgery to go to work at something I don't like.
I didn't do the surgery to look good again.
I did it to live.
I am going to live.
I am going to move forward every day until God decides I've done enough.
I am cleaning out the house, and cleaning out my mind. My mind isn't what it used to be, though. I forget things, and I don't have the youthful energy that I thought I would have.
I am fighting low blood sugar and pain that wasn't there when I was young. I am fighting years of relaxing when I should have been active.
I need to balance relaxation with work, needs versus wants.
I need a vacation. I want a vacation. What I have are bills and taxes out the wazoo!