So, just when did weight loss stop being an issue for me?
I don't really know, but it was just recently. I haven't been on the scale for a week or more, and it doesn't matter.
I plateaued and may even have gained a pound or so. But, I am balanced again.
I can do stuff again without worrying about collapsing.
Last night, as an example, I ran with the mower. I pushed it as fast as I could and covered the whole lawn in record time. I actually got a bit winded.
It felt good.
People still ask me how much I lost. They still comment on how good I look. I still make the same comments that "I feel great". It's a standard answer and allows me to move on quickly.
2 years ago, I was interested in finding a grave site that I liked. I wanted to make sure that everything that people found of mine after I died would not make me out to be some deviant monster or someone I wasn't. Yeah, I did my share of surfing porn on the web, but that wasn't the only thing I did.
I have done my share of research on everything from medicine, religion, biographies, home improvement, and just about every other subject you can imagine.
I was trying to figure out if it really made any difference at all what happened to my stuff after I died.
I thought I might have some stuff that had value as collectibles, but found out I had nothing but stuff. My collection of BK toys, or my Winross trucks are worth much less than I paid for them.
My record collection is only worth listening to and not making money from. I have a big band album collection that has never been played. After looking it up, I found it is not in demand, so I will keep it for no good reason.
Even my hand built custom made amplifier and guitar are only worth playing and not selling.
So, I considered selling it all for whatever I could get, and then taking off on the road to see the country before I died.
I felt lousy. I couldn't put my shoes on without great discomfort. My doctors were shaking their heads in disbelief, and throwing me 1200 calorie diets in hopes that I would lose weight.
Now, I find interest in life again.
I may still sell everything and go. But this time, I will be able to concentrate on the scenery outside me and not on my fat, sick body.
Here is an interesting link I found through a colleague. Maybe someone would want to help me design these for the US and help me to market them so I can pay some bills and stop driving bus?
Piano Stairs