April 16, 2009

Donating blood

Just a quick message this morning.
I will be donating 15 tubes of blood this morning to be tested as I do every 3 months or so. I am hoping this is one of the last times, although my doctor has vowed to keep in touch for the rest of my life.
I have never had this kind of coverage before.
The downside, is that the insurance only covers so much, and I owe $600 from the last time. The total for the tests is around $2000.00 each time.
Oh well, it's worth every penny.
I am looking forward for the first time in years, instead of back. I have made contact with many people and managed to find closure with all but a few. I am interested in what I will be doing in the near future, and I think I have found my path.
It's about time.
Maybe I will grow up?


April 12, 2009

Day 4 of 5!

I got to run the mower yesterday while is was still warm outside. I actually made it through the whole yard with only two breaks. I felt good at the end, but I was tired.
My mower is the old 2 cycle kind that you have to add oil to the gas in order to run it. It also doesn't have a self propelled drive. I used it to lose 27 pounds before the surgery, and now it seems I am going to use it to lose another 10 pounds in addition to whatever I lose on top of that.
I have been at my plateau forever it seems. I vary on the home scale between 212 and 217 depending on how much water I have inside me.
My mind is reeling too. I have been dreaming and remembering my dreams recently. They seem to answer questions I have been asking myself for years. It is amazing and scary at the same time.
I notice my personality changing too. I am much quieter now, and when I see or hear something that I don't agree with, I speak up loudly. I have taken to trying to keep quiet more and learning to listen, but I sometimes can't seem to help myself.
I have been spending a lot of time on Facebook too. I have been looking for an old partner of mine. She is one of the last people from my past that I really want to talk to. I have some unfinished business with her, and I need to apologize also.
I hope the people reading this blog can understand the changes that are going on with me as I lose weight and journey down this strange new path. I hope it helps them to find their own way.
Tomorrow, I should be contacted by the sleep study people to get me my new CPAP machine. They told me the pressure was too high and they recommended reducing it quite a bit. I am glad to hear that. I should be able to get a new machine paid for by insurance. My old machine is well worn and almost ready to be replaced. I am one of the few that actually use the machine every night. Many people can't seem to adapt to it. I feel bad for them. This machine has made life much better for me.
Oh, for the record, I cheated yesterday: I made a fillet Mignon, and added strips of bacon, and fried onions! Oh, how good that was!!!!!!