November 28, 2008

My Picture

How about sending off some before and during pictures to me so I can post them.
My new profile picture is from about a month ago when my webcam was working. I have to use something a lot in order to remember how they work. This is true of my webcam.
Anyway, I am wearing an extra large T shirt, and I am now wearing large or even mediums. So, the pocket on that old T goes just about down to my belt!
I love losing weight like this!!!!
On another note, I am finished with the pictures for my presentation next week at the support group meeting. I just started editing the notes.
I know the pre surgery folks will have lots of questions, so I will make time to listen to them and answer the best I can. I know I had lots of questions. It made me feel a little less apprehensive after the Post surgery people answered them.
Dr. Brader did great job as did the other team members. They still do. I ask them questions even today.
So, now I have this huge Powerpoint Presentation, and I can't figure out how to condense it to send it through email. AOL restricts the size, and my winzip is mysteriously missing.
Paul, I know that you are reading this. Maybe, you can send me a hint?

Yippie, I survived!

The birds flew around while we ate yesterday.
I had turkey - no problem. I ate the Dark Meat and it was soooo good.
I had stuffing. Celiac didn't let me know it was there, so I got away with it. Good stuffing, although it was about a tablespoon.
I had asparagus. Yummy.
I had cranberry sauce. The kind that comes out of a can and looks like jelly. I was concerned it might be too much sugar, but again, I survived.
I had smashed Potatoes. There were pieces of unsmashed in it, along with a mushroom gravy, and it was scrumptious.
Dessert? Nope.
I ate slowly and was full after about 15 minutes. I didn't eat all that much, but I enjoyed every bite.
We got to play with Lilly afterwards, and I had fun watching her eat. She doesn't use utensils yet, but is so delicate in picking things up and carefully placing them in her mouth. So cute.
She crawled all over us, and played peek a boo. Such a happy kid.
On the way home we stopped at a Dunkin Donuts for coffee, but they were closed. We made it to a Turkey Hill in York, and stopped there for some coffee. I got my usual decaf, and enjoyed every drop. My wife did the frothy stuff with extra flavoring.
Today is Black Friday. Were broke so we will ignore it for the most part. I hate crowds anyway.
I am going to finish raking leaves into a pile and my son is supposed to come over and clean them up for me. I put that at 40% chance of happening.
I am letting my wife sleep in this morning, so I will go get breakfast and then go outside.

November 27, 2008

Adsense and goof

I goofed.
I wasn't supposed to click on the ad, but I couldn't resist. Now, I think the world is going to come down upon me, and I might even be famous for 15 minutes or so.
The adsense police are on their way right now to arrest me and force me to watch the ad that I clicked on for the rest of my life! Oh no!
The adsense ads are fairly unobtrusive, and someone might even be interested in them. If you find one interesting, click on it and they might send me a check for a few pennies every 10 years or so.
I have been working on the content of the blog without worrying too much about how the damn thing worked. So, I signed up for adsense and then promptly forgot about it.
Today, I finally started reviewing things about the blog other than the color scheme, and I made a few changes. I learned a few things, but I'm still not up to speed on a lot of things in this crazy world of blogging.
So, if I ever become bedridden and can't go outside and enjoy life, I will take the time to learn this stuff.
If I don't, screw it all. I'm just gonna write and not worry about the frills, bells, and whistles!
Happy Thanksgiving again!

Happy Thanksgiving Milestone

This is my very first Thanksgiving.
I am going to see my daughter, son in law, and grand daughter.
We are going to eat turkey.
I had trouble eating chicken, and I imagine I will have some trouble with turkey too, but we will see.
I will put aside my celiac diet for one day too. But, there will be other foods there that I can eat, so any wheat products will be small portions.
This is a milestone for me. Since food has decreased in importance for me, will I be able to concentrate on other more important things?
I guess I'll find out in a few hours.

November 26, 2008

Food Choices

I'm looking for new stuff.
It's tough sometimes to remember what I can't eat because of all of the restrictions. So, I tend to forget that I can eat something, but I can't eat something else.
I started eating small amounts of potato chips last week. They are Gluten Free, and the ones I get are usually salt free too. I don't get the ones cooked in lard, even though they taste good to me.
Snack foods and crunchy stuff is my favorite. If I don't have something crunchy with a meal, I feel like I missed something. Celery, or carrots don't do it for me. It has to be crunchy like potato chips. I only eat 3 or 4 of them, so it's not that big a deal. It's just that I feel satisfied after eating them. I always save them for last so I can get the maximum crunch! :)
So, next, I will be compiling a list of foods so I can refer to it in case I get stuck. My memory is terrible, and if I don't write things down, I forget. Or, did I say that already?
I still don't like veggies, but if they are mixed into the food, I can tolerate them.
I still need more fiber than those who eat wheat and flour products.
I had rice based pasta last night, for the first time since my surgery. I loved it. It really added to the eating experience.
I'm looking forward to getting more feedback here so I can expand my food list. I need new ideas.

November 24, 2008

Coffee recipe

I have been taking lots of things for granted, so I started to think about stuff, and came up with something I have been doing for years. I thought I would pass it on to you.
I combine things.
You already saw my coffee and oatmeal combo, now for something to drink.
That way, I feel like I'm treating myself to something special, and many times it is.
So, here is one of my specials, along with suggestions for variations.
I guess it should be noted that this works well with bariatric people because it has extra protein in it.
If you are on a diet, or your doctor has given you restrictions, be careful with my recipes. Some are loaded with stuff you may not want to eat.

1 cup of decaf coffee
1 packet of sugar free instant breakfast
1 packet sweet and low
2 teaspoons of liquid creamer (Coffee mate with chocolate, or other flavors are fine)
(If you are not a choco-holic like me, you may use vanilla flavored instant breakfast)
I make a pot of coffee every morning and let it cool. Then I heat it in the microwave and drink it all day. I know coffee has caffiene, even the decaf, but I can live with that. Chocolate has caffeine too, thank God!

Heat the cup of coffee for 1 minute, 20 seconds in the microwave
Add the instant breakfast, and sweet and low. Stir until dissolved.
Pour creamer into coffee.
Drink and enjoy!
I like to use a ceramic mug because it also heats up in the microwave as well as the liquid inside of it. That way, my hands stay nice and warm while drinking.

Stop the presses!
I found a variation that I was not aware of. Feel free to add a scoop of vanilla, or chocolate protein powder to the coffee in place of the instant breakfast. Make sure you stir it up very well. It will make a super drink, especially if the coffee is hot. Try it and let me know.

November 23, 2008

Great weekend

After having a very interesting weekend, during which I broke my Celiac diet, I still feel good.
I don't plan to do it too often, but I now know I can if I have to.
I went home to Levittown one last time, and don't know if I'll ever go back again. I always thought that if I won the lottery, the one thing I would do would be to buy all 3 homes that I grew up in there.
Instead, I didn't win, so I took pictures of them and posted them on my facebook.
I got to visit two old and dear friends. One taught me how to play guitar when I was 11 or so. The other stood by my side through all of my trials and tribulations.
I took pictures of my old school, and some street signs. This is an effort to tie up loose ends in mind, and I still have a few left to go.
I am not getting ready to die, I am living! The stuff in my head is organizing itself, and for the first time in years, I am thinking clearly. I still can't remember names half the time, but that's ok.
I got home and went to see my friend play in a new band last night too, thus proving two things to me:
1. I can go somewhere and be able to control my energy levels, so I don't collapse.
2. I can enjoy myself again.
I almost have the presentation together for the meeting. I need to figure out how to zip the powerpoint file so I can send it out. It is too big for AOL right now. I'll keep working on it.
Time for bed.