November 28, 2008

My Picture

How about sending off some before and during pictures to me so I can post them.
My new profile picture is from about a month ago when my webcam was working. I have to use something a lot in order to remember how they work. This is true of my webcam.
Anyway, I am wearing an extra large T shirt, and I am now wearing large or even mediums. So, the pocket on that old T goes just about down to my belt!
I love losing weight like this!!!!
On another note, I am finished with the pictures for my presentation next week at the support group meeting. I just started editing the notes.
I know the pre surgery folks will have lots of questions, so I will make time to listen to them and answer the best I can. I know I had lots of questions. It made me feel a little less apprehensive after the Post surgery people answered them.
Dr. Brader did great job as did the other team members. They still do. I ask them questions even today.
So, now I have this huge Powerpoint Presentation, and I can't figure out how to condense it to send it through email. AOL restricts the size, and my winzip is mysteriously missing.
Paul, I know that you are reading this. Maybe, you can send me a hint?

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