November 23, 2008

Great weekend

After having a very interesting weekend, during which I broke my Celiac diet, I still feel good.
I don't plan to do it too often, but I now know I can if I have to.
I went home to Levittown one last time, and don't know if I'll ever go back again. I always thought that if I won the lottery, the one thing I would do would be to buy all 3 homes that I grew up in there.
Instead, I didn't win, so I took pictures of them and posted them on my facebook.
I got to visit two old and dear friends. One taught me how to play guitar when I was 11 or so. The other stood by my side through all of my trials and tribulations.
I took pictures of my old school, and some street signs. This is an effort to tie up loose ends in mind, and I still have a few left to go.
I am not getting ready to die, I am living! The stuff in my head is organizing itself, and for the first time in years, I am thinking clearly. I still can't remember names half the time, but that's ok.
I got home and went to see my friend play in a new band last night too, thus proving two things to me:
1. I can go somewhere and be able to control my energy levels, so I don't collapse.
2. I can enjoy myself again.
I almost have the presentation together for the meeting. I need to figure out how to zip the powerpoint file so I can send it out. It is too big for AOL right now. I'll keep working on it.
Time for bed.

1 comment:

D. Gibson said...

They were Great Lee! Just what I needed to remind me - Good for the Soul :)