November 27, 2008

Adsense and goof

I goofed.
I wasn't supposed to click on the ad, but I couldn't resist. Now, I think the world is going to come down upon me, and I might even be famous for 15 minutes or so.
The adsense police are on their way right now to arrest me and force me to watch the ad that I clicked on for the rest of my life! Oh no!
The adsense ads are fairly unobtrusive, and someone might even be interested in them. If you find one interesting, click on it and they might send me a check for a few pennies every 10 years or so.
I have been working on the content of the blog without worrying too much about how the damn thing worked. So, I signed up for adsense and then promptly forgot about it.
Today, I finally started reviewing things about the blog other than the color scheme, and I made a few changes. I learned a few things, but I'm still not up to speed on a lot of things in this crazy world of blogging.
So, if I ever become bedridden and can't go outside and enjoy life, I will take the time to learn this stuff.
If I don't, screw it all. I'm just gonna write and not worry about the frills, bells, and whistles!
Happy Thanksgiving again!

1 comment:

Scootin' Fool said...

I'm extremely computer savvy (computer degree and all), but I don't really mess around much with the coding on my blog. It's all pretty well done for me, so I pretty much just write.

I have adsense as well, and honestly, it's somewhat pointless. I've had exactly two people click on the adds in three months. So far I've earned 1.75 or so. WOOHOO! I'm rich!