August 17, 2009

Monday morning

Today, I will start a grueling regimen of exercise in an effort to drop another 45 pounds from my frame by the end of 2010. I plan to build a bit of muscle too.
Starvation forced on me by the government taking all my money is not part of the plan. If they do manage to get it all, then I will lose the weight faster.
I didn't win the Powerball yesterday, so I guess I will have to do things the hard way.
I report at 7am and will finish around 8, I hope. I may even take a shower there.
Then, I will come home and eat lunch.
Next, I will start working on my song list. I have a good idea of some of the songs I want to play and sing. It will be a multi-step process.
  1. Is the song playable for me? Can I sing it? Do I sound good singing it? Do I like the song?
  2. Programming the drum machine to play along.
  3. Writing down the chord changes
  4. Writing down the lyrics
  5. Polishing it so I can feel confident.
Now in addition to the music, I will have to continue all of my other activities.
  • I still have to paint the stairwell into the basement.
  • I have to move boxes and set up the treadmill, total gym and weight bench. I set them aside for painting.
  • I have to empty the back bedroom, and get it ready for painting and redecorating so my wife doesn't kill me.
  • The grass is still growing.
  • School van is coming up in two weeks or less.
  • East Petersburg day is September 20.
I hope to be finished with all of this by the end of September, if not sooner.
My workout for now, will be every other day in the morning until I go back to school. I need to find another job, or start playing out for money soon.
I feel a bit overwhelmed, but I think that is the old/fat me. The new/thinner me can handle most of it.
Anyone have some drugs I can shoot????

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