November 7, 2010

Drooling on myself!

I play guitar and some other instruments. Who doesn't? Everyone plays something it seems.
I watch Paladia HDTV and love the variety of sounds that come from the guitar played by different people.
I found a cerebral guy to set up my guitar. Set up is a way to make sure everything on the guitar is working to it's absolute best, or the way you want it to be set.
This guy was a genius at it. he made the guitar I have almost play itself. You see, you are supposed to learn everything you can about music, and then forget all that stuff and just play. If you can do that, people will take notice. You may never be a superstar, but, you will be noticed.
This guy also plays guitar, but he is not well known except in his field. he is a player's player. The kind of guy everyone wants to be, so they watch him and learn from him.
So when I go onstage, I want to be that kind of guy. It's an ego thing.
I also want to play what is in my heart. That's the really tough part.
Right now, I can play what's in other people's hearts, that is, the songwriters. But, it's tough for me to find what is in my heart and share it.
This is a life long problem for me and many others.
The blues are supposed to be a way to express those emotions, however, I don't have the blues. I also don't have the tongue in cheek style that blues requires.

From: How blue can you get? - BB King!

I gave you a brand new Ford

But you said “I want a Cadillac”

I bought you a ten dollar dinner

You said “Thanks for the snack”

I let you live in my penthouse

You said it was just a shack

I gave you 7 children

Now you want to give them back

Now how can I compete with that? I don't think funny. So, the problem is to find the energy and the time, and the will, and the motivation to write down what I am feeling inside of me in a rhythm, so that it can be turned into a song. Then, I only have to duplicate that process 30 or 40 more times, and I'm set.
So, as I sit here with my stomach rumbling from drinking my protein drink, I will be working on yet another project. I played guitar and sang today, and for the most part I sounded good. I still have some age issues.
  • Breath control is important as you get older. You try to hold notes, and they fizzle on you.
  • The high notes get harder and harder to hit. I am amazed at how the voice machine ages along with the rest of the body.
  • The fingers are bent with age. They have a tendency to mute out strings when you don't want them to, and they don't always go where you point them. My weight loss has helped this tremendously. My fingers used to hurt terribly when I played. They called it arthritis, but it was just too much fat. Yes, I have some joint problems, but they don't hurt nearly as much as they did when I was fat.
  • I have to pace myself. When I was a teen, I could play all night and not have to worry about what would happen afterwards. I would go to sleep (or not) and not be so sore I couldn't move the next day. Pacing myself today really cuts into my creativity. I can't just keep playing because I run out of steam, just like now.
I'm going to take a nap.
By the way, did I ever say that I hate Daylight savings time? I wish they would stop messing with my schedule. I hate that, even though I am getting an extra hour tonight. It's a really stupid idea, and it should be revoked.

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