May 11, 2011

Celiac Sprue again?

I received a call from the nurse about the blood tests I took about a month ago for Celiac Sprue. This is a prep for a colonoscopy/endoscopy I'm supposed to have in June.
The test came back negative. Now this is a surprise because I came back positive when I had my last tests about 4 years ago. I was told I had to stop eating wheat and gluten foods, and go on a strict diet. I lost 27 pounds before my WLS and I attribute some of this to quitting bread, bagels, soft pretzels, pasta (especially pasta!), and cereal.
A diet without these things, makes life much more difficult. After reading, asking questions, and much research, I determined that I could have a slice of pizza once in awhile, as well as a little bit of pasta without ruining my diet, or killing myself.
I have never had symptoms or any outward indication that would lead me or anyone to believe I had Celiac, such as malnutrition, weight loss, fatigue, pain, etc.. All I had was the test results from the doctor and the endoscopy/biopsy results.
So, I cheated a bit, but pretty much stayed away from the gluten/wheat foods.
As time went on, I branched out a bit, but haven't had a bagel in over 3 years! It was shear torture I tell you!
Right now, they are checking to see if it's possible that the tests I had and the most recent one were/are wrong. But, last night, I went out and bought a box of Fiber One cereal (no sugar, 2 grams of protein, and the most fiber you can get in a cereal!) and had a bowl with a packet of sweet and low. This morning, I feel great!
Fiber from wheat is wonderful for the body as far as I'm concerned. I never would have talked about this when I was younger, but now, it is worth it.
  • Fiber, the non-soluble kind that you get from wheat germ, absorbs all the liquid that your body considers bad for you. Some call it poison, and it is for the most part, but it's not just that.
  • Fiber lower blood pressure because your bowel movements are easier.
  • Fiber eliminates cholesterol that we don't need. The body needs cholesterol in order to hold itself together, so the excess we get in an American diet, is reduced by eating the fiber in this form.
There is a need to increase liquid intake when you get fiber because of the extra absorption, but I'm already drinking quite a bit. I will drink more now just in case. I've increased my intake of veggies, but still don't get enough in my diet to replace the wheat/gluten that I cut out a few years ago. The addition of the fiber I ate last night before bed, has paid off very nicely this morning. Like I said, I feel great!

On Saturday at the park, there was a hand made pretzel stand handing out free samples that I politely refused every time she went by. They were very small samples, and probably loaded with fats and sugar to make them taste wonderful. But, they were very small and one piece would not have killed me. The next time I get the chance, I'll accept a sample without fear.

I am still going to stay away from bagels and such, but won't get too upset if I occasionally have a half with some cream cheese and lox.

I bought a half quart of milk, and kept having to throw it out because I just don't drink milk. I will add fiber to my chili for a bit of crunch, and maybe have a bowl of cereal a few times a week. I've been looking for variety in my meals and this will be a welcome addition.
If it works, I should be seeing a decrease in my weight, and should feel better within a week or so. I'll let you know.
Oh by the way, drinking and eating at the same time has been a no no since I had the WLS, but the small amount of milk I add to the cereal was OK last night, and shouldn't cause too much trouble. I used about 1/3 of a cup of milk. I can heat the cereal to absorb the milk if I have to, but don't think it will be necessary.

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