October 26, 2008


For my purposes, the word will take on new meaning.
  • A "Milestone" is when you pass a point in your weight loss that hits you strongly in your emotions.
I have hit that a few times in recent weeks, and was surprised by my reactions.
  • A "Milestone" is something you have wanted to do for a long time, but couldn't because of your weight.
Let the world know what your "Milestone" is right here, and maybe we will show up to see you achieve your goal.
Here are some of my "Milestones":

  1. I wanted to be able to sit in a booth at a restaurant. I haven't been able to do that comfortably for years because of my weight. I can now go into a restaurant and when they ask "Booth or table", I can say "Booth". I can't eat much food, but that's ok. At least I can sit there!
  2. I want to go to Hershey Park, or some other amusement park, and be able to ride the roller coasters. I couldn't fit into the seats for the reason listed above.
  3. I don't want to jump out of an airplane with a parachute, but they tell me I can now that I am under 250 pounds. I can think about it, but I won't do it.
  4. I want to Kayak.
So now, it's your turn......What do you want to do? When will you be able to do it?

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