May 19, 2009


It seems as time goes on, so slowly, that thoughts pop into my head. I don't know where they come from, or why they are there, but they are interesting, at least to me.
I sometimes will put a problem into my memory banks and let the brain work on it until there is a solution. If I can't find one inside me, then I can look elsewhere.
So, as time moves on in this bariatric world, new ideas are just happening all over, causing me to start asking questions, such as, why not?
"I am finished with this. I will never do it again, so why even think about it. I'm fat, and I will die soon, so concentrate on the things I can do."
I never thought I would be thin again, or able to do some things. Now, I can, and it's opening up new ideas for me. My dreams are much more fun to work with too.
So, someday soon, I will find a way to get to Hershey Park, and go ride all the coasters, just because I can fit into the seats.
I have looked at Kayaks, but they are too expensive right now.
I have looked at other parts of the country, but even though I have my heart set on Florida, liberal state that it is, I am still not convinced that that is where I want to go.
I have about $3000 in medical bills from things I needed to have done, but put off. The taxes here in PA. are horrendous, and we don't get anything from them. My monthly expenses added to the taxes and medical bills, put me over the edge financially and mentally.
The only way out is to win the lottery, and that ain't gonna happen.
So, enough for felling sorry for myself. I guess it's time to get ready for summer, and a new job hunt. In the meantime, I'm going to get back to living.


Barry VanEmery said...

Maybe we should both go to Hershey Park :-) I love going to Lancaster...not all that far away. The tour of Indian Echo caverns may be fun too.

Lee said...

I up for the trip to Hershey if you are. But you might want to wait awhile until your wounds heal.