November 16, 2008

Starting over, again and again.

Yesterday, I spent in the basement. I have been exercising by carrying things up and down the stairs all week. I took my music equipment downstairs, one piece at a time, and brought up boxes and bags of stuff I am going to throw out.
If I took everything up at once, the trash guys wouldn't take it all, so I bring it up a few pieces at a time.
I am making slow but steady progress.
I also had a conversation with my wife while she was down there, and we cleared up a few things.
The phone rang and it was one of my kids, and I let her do the talking while I got on my treadmill, and then went over to the Total Gym. I have it set up for light work. I can use it for heavy work too, but this allows me to get a longer workout. I do more reps with less weight.
I pulled on that thing for what seemed like forever. I was tired when I got off, and figured I would be really sore today, but I got out of bed at 6:30am and feel fine.
The cold weather is taking it's toll on my joints. I walk like an old man when I first get up from the couch, or have been sitting anywhere for awhile. Then, I start to loosen up a bit.
I walk funny now too. I am so used to dealing with the swinging belly, that I can't walk straight. My legs are busy trying to compensate for what isn't there anymore.
My wife can't walk with me, so I have yet to go out and really talk a long walk to see what I can do. I hit the treadmill, a little, and now around the house, I walk back and forth a lot. I actually get up and do what I have to, where before I would just stay seated if I forgot something.
I still have the mental block that I am fat and can't do stuff, but I have been steadily fighting that.
So, every morning now, I get out of bed, and start over. It's a good feeling most of the time.
How about you?

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