July 1, 2009


I think I just found out another way to dump.
I went to visit my Daughter and grandson yesterday in Maryland.
I could have prepared my own food, but I wanted to try my hand at improvising.
So, when we went to eat, I went along with my Daughter's suggestion to go to Chick Fillet (spelling?). Oh yeah, that's Fil-A, I think.
I ordered a wrap with no dressing since they usually put nothing but sugar or corn syrup in it anyway. I also ordered a sugar free lemonade for later since the meal was cheaper than buying everything Ala cart.
They were nice and used a Styrofoam container for the lemonade, and I watered it down just in case it really did have sugar.
I ate half the wrap. I am still Celiac sensitive, but ate the whole wheat tortilla anyway. A little bit once in awhile is OK.
Well, this morning, I spent most of it in the bathroom. I think I lost more weight than in the previous two weeks! Our sewage bill might go up!
I feel much better now, but my morning was a wash out. I did manage to cut the lawn this afternoon, and I did some food shopping too.
I guess it took all night for the body to complain about what I put into it yesterday. Oh yeah, I had those greasy french fries too. I think that's what put me over the edge.
I weighed in tonight at 207, so I did lose some weight, but I don't think it was just from the dumping.
Live and learn.

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