November 8, 2008


I have added some links to sites that are good for Bariatric People, and others may find them useful too. The links are on the side of my blog and descriptions are here.
My thanks to the Scootin Fool for help in figuring this stuff out.
This is a link for vitamins, recipes, and general information aimed towards the bypass patient. You can find many of the vitamins and protein drinks locally if you look for it, but it is easier for me to order online and have them deliver it to my door.
10,000 steps is one way to get into shape and lose some weight. I bought a pedometer for about $10.00, and use it to figure out how far I've gone during various walking trips. I measured my lawn mowing that way. I almost did all 10,000 steps on my lawn alone. Now I know why it is so tough for this old man to cut the grass. By the way, I have a NON self propelled mower. If I don't push it, it won't go.
Greg, the fitness expert at the office recommended this one. i will probably use it somewhere down the road when I run out of ideas for working out. The trick is to vary your workout so your body doesn't get used to the same routine over and over.
You might want to consider a medic alert style bracelet/jewelry piece. This site gives you many different styles and ideas. Personally, I have two of them, but stopped wearing them because I was using them as a crutch to keep from doing the "hard" stuff. I will put it on again after I overcome that problem.

More to come, including new recipes, walks scheduled, and other activities.

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Scootin' Fool said...
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