December 3, 2008

Meeting reminder again

I will be speaking tomorrow night along with Elaine M Neidert, MSN, APRN, BC, M*O*U*S*E (sorry, couldn't resist!),who will be speaking on the subject of Self esteem.
Our talks will fit together nicely, and you might even stay awake for both of them.
If you are interested in pre surgery information, the meeting should be right up your alley, even if you don't bowl.
I will stay around afterwards as I always do in case you want to ask anything about what it feels like, or anything else on your mind.
You can send me an email also if you would like. I will give you my side of the story.
Things change everyday. They didn't used to do that before.
I was so used to losing ground everyday, and now, it's just the opposite. I am moving forward everyday.
I just bought T shirts in Large, as well as some thermal underpants and shirts. I never needed them before, but now, I feel the cold.
Tonight, I ran a load of wash, and put it in the dryer, did the dishes, made dinner for myself, and am waiting until my Wife gets a little closer to home to make her dinner.
6 months ago, I would have left the wash alone, as well as waiting for the dishes to fill the sink before doing anything about them. And, I would have stuck something in the microwave for dinner. Then, I would have raided the fridge for some junk before eating a full meal.
I'm heading off now to get a cup of decaf prepared as listed in another thread below. Then, I will watch some TV before finishing up the wash and putting the dry dishes away.
I have energy now that I didn't ever think I would have again.

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